Let me know what you think...
Raw lines. Raw concepts. Raw Illustration.
I remember when I'd get Mewes and be like, "Hey, come make papers with me and then we'll go do something. And for any of you who've ever made papers... (someone in the audience shouts out "That job sucks!") See? That person gets it. Worst job ever. But money's money at the time."
"This examination has allowed for the opportunity for the work to broaden my boundaries of how subject affects form and vise versa. Each level of design, whether it is the components of singular organisms, or the compound as a whole demands both a critical ability to capture detail while projecting a readable composition. The simple and sometimes unnoticeable tree stump is a start concept for my drawings. The challenge of using the dual media of charcoal and ink allows me investigate and build forms with an ambidextrous technique that results in contrasting sharp details with softer, grittier, and often larger implied textures. Having these dual contrasts as qualities within the composition’s layout draws the viewer into each piece to consider the curious forms. This also provides the work a sense of activated space and weight, both emotionally and physically. My works are reminiscent of a hybrid form of suggestive shape and intended information provided by the aggressive use of line in these landscapes. The unusual magnified scale proffers an invitation to experience a harmony of objects being both heightened in perspective and intimacy. "