One of the joys of tedious and meaningless work, not production, I mean "work" in every numbing sense of the word "work," is blatantly recording for two or five hours the same images. Same machines, same stack of papers, same everything when you are an inserter for a printing company. This image was drawn on one of my breaks and definitely, absolutely, and completely off of memory.
Kevin Smith said it best in An Night with Kevin Smith 2; [paraphrased]
I remember when I'd get Mewes and be like, "Hey, come make papers with me and then we'll go do something. And for any of you who've ever made papers... (someone in the audience shouts out "That job sucks!") See? That person gets it. Worst job ever. But money's money at the time."
The machines in whole are pretty cool to stare at and glaze over. Sometimes you just zone out and think of things that might happen. Explosions, paper catching on fire, the building burning down, an arm getting caught in the presses, the strapper binds someone's leg to their face. Although if it gets really quiet, the constant thump-thump and whirring makes some sort of dysfunctional industrial symphony.
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